Monday, October 31, 2011

scraparoni a huge hit

well scraphunger went off with a big bang, it was great but the one who stoll the show was scraparoni, he was a huge hit. we all took our photos with him and as him and we enjoyed doing it. yea as i dont have the final tally on the amount collected as of yet i can say that we collected 1 3/4 more barrels than last year and they were heaped to the top more. as the parking lot filled with cars i felt overwhelmed with happieness. just to know that we are helping more this year i am so happy. the joy from that is far more than i can ever explain. and it is true as i am proof that you dont have to have alot to care for your fellow man. just have the passion to care and find the way to do so. well i will say goodbye for now and as soon as i get the tally i will let everyone know.   Dream a Dream for it may be the change inwhich all surrounds.....

Friday, October 14, 2011

update with a smile

hello world, 8 more days till scraphunger. ive just gotten 3 more donations oh its going to be a great function. i can see it now. all the hungry familys recieving what they need. i am so happy. i cant explain to everyone just how fantastic it makes me feel to know that we are helping others even though we dont have lots ourselves. its proof that to help others you dont have to have alot just the heart and true passion to want others to have it a little easier. and by all pulling toghather it can be acomplished. well i am having during the function a wheel o prize and to do this i needed a wheel and my hubby has made one that is just perfect. also there will be scraparoni, he will be there to stand behind and have your photo taken as. simular to those at the fair. so everyone can have a souviner photo and become scraparoni, that cute little scrapbooking,cardemaking,crafting noodle....well things are plugging right along, im gonna close for now and get some painting on the bannors done. ill write more as the time apporches. take care to all.  good-bye for now..

Monday, October 10, 2011

life update

so much has been going on, its just 12 days till scraphunger and everything is falling into place, its going to be filled with lots of things to do and more are attending which means that we will be helping to feed way more this year and thats the goal helping feed those in need. although every road is not clear of negative we have bypassed this with a smile, just cant please those whom feel they need to be the center of it all even though they never wanted to be untill someone else steps in. but we move on alls well and i am truly blessed by those whom are doing what they can to help make this dream come alive. we will feed many this year. i even have ladies whom i ment at crops ive been to over the past year, they are coming to support me. THANK YOU.....well next thing is my son cliff and his girlfriend are having their child toghather and its a boy, the ultrasound shows a handsome young man already. you can see his features hes going to be a cutie. i am doing the baby shower so have to get the invites done this week. busy busy busy sometimes not enough time in the day then sometimes to much time in the day cant ever be happy.  i have been given the chance to have my poetry added into our local newspaper and with each poem printed i will get paid, i am so excited. i have another poem being printed in a book by eber&wein which they sell the books at barnes and noble and the book is patience and grace and my poems name is firemans grace..  well heres the update on my hectic life hopefully it wont take me months to write again but before i close theres one more bit of good news i have had a write up about scraphunger in the creating keepsakes magazine and because of it there have been ladies from everywhere intersted in starting their own scraphunger that also is my dream to get help everywhere its needed  yea for this...  by for now blogger world, if anyone ever sees this...