Thursday, March 24, 2011


well as you all may already know this is the 5th year for scraphunger and i am working on making it the best yet. i am in the process of looking for those talented ones whom would like to share thier talent by running a make n take table. throughout the day id like to have at least 4 make n takes. there will also be a table where those that are interested can make a card or how ever many they would like to send to the troops. i also support our local DHS lifestory program which by collecting scrapbooking items and pages throughout the day they are then given to the DHS office and they put toghather lifestory albums for the children in foster care. subway provides lunch. i am also looking at adding other things throughout the day, anyone with ideals they would like to share im all ears.....ive also tossed around the ideal of having chilcare for the parents that can only attend if they have some so at this point its a thought but it sounds like a good one so we will see. well anyways, i am looking forward to hearing from you all. the input and ideals will be great. im closing for now. hope everyone has a wonderful love filled day drenched within sunshined smiles.

1 comment:

  1. what a great program that helps feed people we need that. lets do it in other communities... B.W
